
Jon Bon Jovi Bares His Teeth at Hollywood

Rock singer Jon Bon Jovi is speaking out about his feelings for Hollywood.

The lead singer of Bon Jovi recently said that the world of Hollywood is, "a rotten existence".  Bon Jovi has done some television and film roles while on breaks from his band.

The 44 year-old star has decided that he no longer wishes to act, and will only be concentrating on his music.  He added, "It’s a pretty rotten existence to be in. It is a lot better for me being the director, producer and star when you make a record than it is to go and stand in that long line and wait for your audition."

Bon Jovi’s last disc, Have a Nice Day, was released on September 19, 2005.  More than 4 million copies have been sold world wide.