
Jon Bon Jovi Wouldn’t Swap Places with Pete Doherty

Singer Jon Bon Jovi says that he would not want to trade places with rocker Pete Doherty.

According to Britain Guardian Film and Music, the leader of the band Bon Jovi revealed that he is very happy to not have the typical life of a rock star.  He also is happy that he never had to battle drugs or alcohol problems, like many others in his industry.  He said, "Those people get a lot more attention. Like Pete Doherty. I hear he’s great. But I’ve never heard a Babyshambles song in my life. I’d rather be doing what I’m doing."

Jon Bon Jovi added that he has never been tempted by drugs, and considers the use of illegal substances to be problems when it comes to love making.  He added, "I have a nice wine habit, but I was never into drugs. Why do I need something that’s going to grind my teeth all night and won’t let me get it on with a woman."