
Jon Bon Jovi’s daughter arrested after overdose

Jon Bon Jovi’s teenage daughter Stephanie has been arrested and charged after overdosing in her college dorm room

Jon Bon Jovi’s 19-year-old daughter Stephanie Rose Bongiovi has been arrested and charged for drug possession after allegedly overdosing this morning (14.11.12).

Police are said to have been called after the Hamilton College student – whose rockstar father battled drug addiction in his youth – was found unresponsive in her dorm room in Kirkland, New York in the early hours of Wednesday.

A law enforcement source told Hollyscoop that a small bag of heroin, marijuana and other drug paraphernalia was later discovered in Stephanie’s room.

The teenager was brought to hospital and was later arrested for drugs possession and charged with three misdemeanors. A friend of Stephanie’s is also said to be facing a misdemeanor charge.

A spokesperson for Kirkland Police confirmed: "Stephanie was charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Seventh degree, Criminal Possession of Marijuana in he fourth degree, Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia-all class A misdemeanors and Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, a violence."

Jon Bon Jovi’s rep has so far refused to comment.

Stephanie – who is the oldest of Jon’s four children with wife Dorothea Hurley – is expected to be released from hospital today and is pending a future court appearance.

Stephanie’s troubles come shortly after Jon was forced to cut short his UK publicity tour and boarded a private jet to return to his wife and children after their $24 million home was badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy leaving them stranded without power.

A source close to the 50-year-old singer said: "He was really incredibly anxious for his family who were stuck in New York in an apartment and was desperate to be reunited with them."