
Jonas Brothers pay tribute to Lennon

Brothers’ video shines spotlight on their greatest musical influence, John Lennon.


In honour of what would have been John Lennon’s 70th birthday, musical group, the Jonas Brothers, released a brief YouTube video in which they cite the ex-Beatle as one of the biggest influences on their short, successful career.

Events commemorating Lennon’s life and music where held around the globe on Saturday, October 9. The popular singer was gunned down on December 8, 1980, but his message of peace and love lives on in his music. The Jonas brothers gathered on a couch and filmed this video to explain the importance of Lennon in their musical journey.

Nick Jonas says, “We grew up listening to the Beatles in our home, John Lennon specifically. And his words, and his lyrics, and his music spoke to many generations of people and continue to.

“It’s his birthday, 70th birthday, so happy birthday, John. Thanks for the memories. Thanks for the music. And thanks for showing the world that it’s time to come together and live in peace. You’re the man.”