
Josh Groban is Single

Singer Josh Groban is now single.

According to People magazine, Josh Grobn has been single since his break-up with actress January Jones, last June.  The couple dated for three years.  At this time, the star does not have his eye fixed on any one lady in particular.

Groban recently released his second album Awake.  This week, his second release was in second place on the Billboard. 

The 25-year-old artist indicated, "I’m a single guy  and I’m dating. But it’s hard to date when you’re like, ‘I’ll see you in three months when I’m back from Europe.’ " 

Groban’s fame has made him a little more cautious when finding the right partner.  Singer of The Prayer explained, "Fancy is always great. It’s always nice to show you care. But there’s also nothing more romantic than renting a movie and making popcorn."