
Josh Hartnett Wins His Case

A British tabloid will have to pay Josh Hartnett $30,000 for having published a misleading article.

The Daily Mirror was sentenced to pay approximately $30,000 to actor Josh Hartnett for having published a defamatory article.

In September, the London tabloid wrote an article saying that the 30-year-old actor had a lovemaking session in the SoHo hotel library and was caught on film.

Hartnett did not delay in shutting the rumour down, saying that it was a complete fabrication. Furthermore, he demanded the Daily Mail to publicly retract the false information.

Since the tabloid failed to do so, the Pearl Harbor star brought the newspaper to prosecution. After the court ruled in Hartnett’s favour, the attorney for the tabloid apologised for the "distress, hurt and embarrassment" that the article caused him.

Hartnett donated the money to charity.