
Jude Law Hasn’t Met His New Daughter

Jude Law has not seen the baby girl who was born from his brief fling with Samantha Burke.

Five weeks after the aspiring actress gave birth to little Sophia, Jude Law has still not made any plans to meet his new child.

In September, the former model gave birth to a child following a brief romance with Law while he was filming Sherlock Holmes in New York.  Burke says that Law will see his daughter for the first time when photos of the baby appear in Hello! magazine.

Burke, 25, wants the actor to meet their child, but has not heard from the actor since she gave birth.  Law is currently playing Hamlet on Broadway.

"There are no plans for it to happen at the moment, but I know he is busy," said Burke, who added, "Once you see her face, how can you deny it? She has Jude’s chin and nose, and she does a little pout that I notice he’s done before."

The young woman also hopes that Law will be a good father to Sophia, as he is to his other children.  Law has three children from his marriage to Sadie Frost, Rafferty, Iris and Rudy.  "I’m very hopeful that it’ll work out, for Sophia’s sake. All she needs is just to know that he’s there for her if she ever needs him. He’ll fall in love with her when he sees her."