
Jude Law’s Memory Loss

Jude Law was completely oblivious that Samantha Burke existed until she announced her pregnancy.

A friend of Samantha Burke’s, the woman who is expecting the actor’s fourth child, dished out exclusive details to E! Online, regarding her brief fling with the star that has resulted with a baby girl due in October.

"She met him at a club in New York. He was sick, so she kept going to his hotel over the course of a week to take care of him," recounted the young woman, who wishes to remain anonymous.
"Jude didn’t even remember her. She hasn’t seen him since New York. They’ve only been in contact through their lawyers," added the source, who is suspicious of Burke’s ulterior motives.
On the contrary, Burke explained that she is not after the film star’s money. "I can’t tell you how far from a gold-digger I am. I’ve never dated a rich man in my life. I’ve always wondered how girl friends of mine could even ask their boyfriends to buy them clothes," the mommy-to-be wrote on her blog.