
Jude Law’s Romantic Hopes

Actor Jude Law isn’t happy to star in comedies.

According to the Daily Express, Law doesn’t want to accept his age.  The actor feels that playing romantic roles will keep him young.  Law explained, "I’ve turned 33 and I’m desperate to be a Romeo. I’m just trying to hold onto looking young."

The hunky actor’s attitude comes as no suprise.  He was in particularly great form for the film The Talented Mr. Ripley, and his co-stars adored working with him.

Kate Winslet is married, however she still has nice words for Law.  She recently filmed All The King’s Men with Law.  Winslet said,
"He’s an extraordinary combination of unbelievably powerful and passionate and so intricately subtle. It’s like watching a kind of glorious tapestry unveiled every time he’s on screen."