
Justin Bieber shares the mic with Fresh Prince Jr.

Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith perform Never Say Never for the film Karate Kid 4.

Karate Kid 4 hits theatres this Friday, June 4. It got a real marketing boost when a song off the soundtrack appeared online. Never Say Never is performed by none other than Justin Bieber.

The young Canadian sensation has experienced unprecedented success and popularity in 2010 as Biebermania swept the world. Now, Bieber shares the stage with young actor Jaden Smith. He is the son of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith.

Jaden Smith also stars in this latest instalment in the Karate Kid franchise. The first film came out in 1984. The fourth film stays true to the original. A martial arts expert takes a young victim of violence  under his wing. That expert just happens to be played by Jackie Chan. Chan teaches Smith how to defend himself and then compete against, who else?, the kid who bullied him.

The new video has Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith singing side by side as various film clips flash by. The two youngsters get along well and fans may even see Bieber do some karate moves.