
Justin Bieber suffering from injured foot at time of DUI arrest?

According to new documents, Justin Bieber’s inability to walk in a straight line for police during his Miami DUI arrest in January could have been due to an injured foot.

Justin Bieber insists he wasn’t intoxicated during his Miami DUI arrest in January and was actually suffering from an injured foot.

The 20-year-old singer was forced to undertake a sobriety test in Miami-Dade County Jail at the time – footage of which was recently made public – and wobbled precariously, with subsequent tests revealing traces of Xanax and marijuana in his system and a blood alcohol level of .014.

However, new documents obtained by TMZ show the singer’s inability to walk in a straight line for police could actually have been due to a hairline fracture in his foot.

The gossip site reports that Justin claimed the injury occurred during a skateboarding accident three months prior to his arrest.

The ‘Baby’ hitmaker is also said to have made his case worse after reportedly being caught drag racing in a yellow Lamborghini because of his attitude towards the cops at the station.

He allegedly quipped, ”I’m 19 years old. I’m just out having a good time”, and when an officer replied he hadn’t been driving a Lamborghini at that age, the teen heartthrob retorted, ”Yeah, well, I bet you didn’t have millions of dollars in your bank account either.”

Justin is set to appear in court on May 5 to face charges of DUI, resisting arrest and driving without a valid license, all of which he has pleaded not guilty to.

Meanwhile, the Canadian star appears to have cleaned up his act after spending Monday (03.17.14) in the recording studio working on new music.

Removal vans were then spotted outside of his mansion in Calabasas, California, the following day as he packed up for his big move to Atlanta, Georgia.