
Justin Bieber to sing for U.S. President

Teen pop star to perform at White House next month.

With his trademark line, “Never say never,” teen pop star Justin Bieber reminds his fans to never stop believing in their dreams.

So if someone had told him back in November 2008, when he was still an unknown, that one day he would sing for the President of the United States, he probably would have said, “You’re kidding, right?”

A year later, Bieber did exactly that when he was a guest of the White House in Washington. The pop star sang Christmas carols to President Barack Obama, his family and a select group of government officials .

Now he will return on December 11 to help celebrate Christmas 2011 in Washington.

In an interview with American radio station KISS FM, Bieber said, “His kids really like me, I’m doing Christmas in Washington and performing for him and the whole senate.”

The President has two young daughters, Malia, 13, and Sasha, 10, who are most certainly huge fans of the 17-year-old pop star.

Since the release of his new holiday album, Under the Mistletoe, Bieber has plenty of material for his White House performance. A portion of the album’s proceeds are going to charity.