
Kaiser Chiefs want guitars in the charts

Kaiser Chiefs want a new band to "rejuvenate British guitar music," and put guitar bands back into the charts.

Kaiser Chiefs want a new band to "rejuvenate British guitar music."

The ‘I Predict a Riot’ group are hoping a new group can get people listening to traditional bands again.

Guitarist Andrew White told the Gainsborough Standard newspaper: "There’s a lot of rubbish out there but at least record labels used to be able to sieve that out. There hasn’t been that ‘new Oasis’ or ‘new The Smiths’ yet and I really want one to come out and rejuvenate British guitar music again.

"If you listen to the radio, how many guitar bands do you hear? You’ve got Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian but not many more. If you like that kind of genre of music, which I think Britain does and that’s what we’re based on, then it’s not great, but hopefully this drought will inspire a band like it did with The Smiths in the 80s and Oasis in the 90s."

Andrew is not sure if his band can reach the heights of their earlier career, but would for them to get back into the spotlight.

He added: "We’ve been there and we’ve done it. We’ve played stadiums, we’ve had number ones, we’ve won awards – but we still crave it. A bit of you says ‘just enjoy it now and go with the flow’ but the other part of you says ‘I want to get back in there and be current’."

Kaiser Chiefs’ fourth album ‘The Future is Medieval’ is out now.