
Kanye West Has a Heart

The controversial artist, Kanye West, spent Christmas with the homeless.

Perhaps the magic and spirit of the holidays touched his heart, or maybe it was just a publicity stunt. Either way, the celebrity, who ruffled a lot of feathers during this year’s MTV Video Awards when he crashed the stage during Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech, spent Christmas in a Los Angeles homeless shelter.

Accompanied by girlfriend Amber Rose, the rapper spent the weekend serving food to the less fortunate who turned up at the Los Angeles Mission looking for some comfort and a hot meal.

In an interview with Boom Box, West, 32, explained, "It’s just important to give back when you’re very blessed. It’s nice to spread your blessings and take time out, especially during the holidays to appreciate people who never get that appreciation."

The star added, "It makes me feel really good to come out here, with my family, and I just thank y’all [the Los Angeles Mission] for allowing us to be a part of this.”