
Kanye West joins Kim Kardashian on Atkins Diet

Kanye West is joining Kim Kardashian on the Atkins Diet in a bid to shift the weight he gained while the pair ”ate what they wanted” when Kim was carrying North.

Kanye West is joining Kim Kardashian on the Atkins Diet.

The ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star is getting close to regaining her post-baby shape after giving birth to her daughter North West in June using Robert Atkins’ popular diet – which consists of a protein heavy, low carbohydrate menu – and her boyfriend is planning to shift the few pounds he gained during the pregnancy by using the eating program.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: ”Kim has lost three stone on the Atkins Diet since she had North in June and thought Kanye could join her on it.

”He gained 14 lbs while she was pregnant as they ate what they wanted. Now he’s trying to lose that.”

This comes shortly after the pair were spotted at an exercise bootcamp class together last Friday (11.10.13).

The diet, made popular by the 2002 book, ‘Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution’, has been a long-time favorite for Kim – famous for her hourglass figure.

The 32-year-old beauty reportedly skipped the initial carbohydrate ban and joined during stage two of the diet – where grains such as brown rice and whole wheat pasta are introduced – to make sure her body was fit for breastfeeding her newborn and she had enough energy to care for North.

An Atkins spokeswoman previously said: ”Being a new nursing mother, she (Kim) needed adequate calories to be healthy for her child and keep up her milk production.

”It’s a very balanced way for her to lose the baby weight while continuing to properly care for her daughter.”