
Kanye West worried for daughter’s safety

Kanye West is reportedly stepping up security as he is concerned for the safety of his 11-month-old daughter North.

Kanye West is worried about his daughter’s safety.

The ‘Bound 2’ hitmaker has reportedly clashed with new wife Kim Kardashian as he feels 11-month-old North was over-exposed in public during their recent wedding celebrations in Paris, France and Florence, Italy, and now wants to step up their security arrangements to look after the tot.

A source said: ”Kim and Kanye have been arguing over all of the exposure North got during the wedding.

”He was frustrated that the baby was in public so much and he wants to make sure that now that all of those festivities are over that she’s protected.”

Insiders dismissed claims that Kanye’s concern about paparazzi photographs of his daughter and those taken by friends and family and put onto social media wasn’t about him having a ”control issue”, but a ”genuine” fear for the little girl’s safety.

The source added to ”Kanye isn’t trying to control any press about North. He’s genuinely afraid for her safety and doesn’t want people to be able to track her every move.”

And the 36-year-old star has been consulting his famous friends for advice on how best to keep North safe.

The source continued: ”He is talking to other really rich and famous people about how they keep their kids safe and what extra precautions he can take. He isn’t taking any chances.”