
Kanye West’s music video risky to epileptics?

Flashing lights and quick edits make All The Lights a potential hazard for epilepsy sufferers.

Kanye West’s new music video for All The Lights could trigger epileptic seizures and will now carry a warning thanks to the efforts of British advocacy group Epilepsy Action, reports MTV.

According to Epilepsy Action, the flashing strobe lights and the quick editing used in the music video could pose risks to epileptics. The group released a statement asking the video be removed from television and streaming services.

"[U.K. telecommunications regulator] Ofcom regulations mean that this video should not be broadcast on U.K. television. However, the Kanye West video is still available online, most notably on YouTube where it has had several million hits, and no such regulations exist for online broadcasting," the organization said in a statement.

Since then, a warning message has been added to the video on YouTube. "Warning: This video has been identified by Epilepsy Action to potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised," it cautions, before launching into the music clip.

But the advocacy group is still hoping for more. After learning a modified version of the video will be produced for U.K. television, the organization says they will "be asking YouTube whether it is possible to upload this, very similar, version instead of the original."