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Kate Moss is a ‘dream’ to work with

Kate Moss’ hair stylist Sam McKnight has revealed the supermodel is very easygoing and inspiring to work with.

Kate Moss’ hairdresser has branded her a "dream".

Sam McKnight has coiffed everyone from Cate Blanchett to Cara Delevingne, but the British supermodel is his favourite star to style because she’s the most fun to work with and has aged so gracefully.

He told Britain’s LOOK magazine: "Kate moss is a dream. She’s exquisitely beautiful and a pleasure to work with. It’s lovely developing working relationships with people, and seeing young girls grow up to be beautiful women.

"Kate Moss came to me on a go-see when she was 17. She walked in and Linda [Evangelista] and Christy [Turlington] were in the studio that day. Kate was so tiny but had a great face.

"I met Naomi [Campbell] when She was 15 – she was divine then and still is. It was incredible to work with those girls at the start of their careers."

However, Sam revealed the most exciting celebrity to style of all is Lady Gaga since the fearless star is constantly reinventing her look.

He said: "I’d say Lady Gaga probably likes to experiment the most, she’ll try anything and is never dramatic – just easy going and sweet."