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Kate Moss’ organised wardrobe

Supermodel Kate Moss admits she needs an assistant to organise her wardrobe because she has so many clothes.

Kate Moss needs an assistant to organise her wardrobe.

The supermodel admits all her clothing is categorised but because she has so many different garments, she had to draft in outside help to arrange everything.

She explained: ”There’s systems. Of Jeans. And longs and shorts. And blacks and coloureds.

”I had to have professional help because there’s like too much stuff.”

Kate admits she finds it particularly hard to get rid of items or place them in storage, even though she knows she won’t wear them again.

She said: ”I find it really hard to edit. I’m like, ‘Oh I don’t want to let it go.’

”They’re like, ‘No, you’re never going to wear that. Put it away.’ So I put it away.”

And the 38-year-old beauty also forgets what she has done with some of her clothes.

She told Britain’s Grazia magazine: ”I get like ‘Where’s that gone?’ Things go missing. I’m like, ‘Where’s that? Is it in the country, is it in London, is it in storage?”

Despite her vast wardrobe, Kate never stops herself from buying anything new and never regrets any of her purchases.

She added: ”There’s always room. Always.

”Of course [I buy things that are a mistake] but then it comes around and I go, ‘Oh actually, that could work.’ ”