
Kate Winslet dating again

Actress hopes new model boyfriend will make a model husband.

Kate Winslet, star of popular film Titanic, is happily dating British model, Louis Dowler, 34, according to Grazia magazine.

After separating in March from her film director husband, Sam Mendes, the break-up of Winslet’s seven year marriage hit her hard, according to sources.

Flash forward four months later and the actress has gone from heartbroken to happy in the company of Dowler—showing us all that time does indeed heal all wounds.

Dowler is the same age as Winslet, and friends say he has brought a smile to the face of Oscar-winning actress and that she has never looked so happy.

For her upcoming role in Contagion, Winslet has reportedly asked Dowler to live with her in Chicago because she doesn’t want a long-distance relationship.