
Kate Winslet’s Not Laughing

Actress Kate Winslet is filing a lawsuit against the Daily Mail.

Kate Winslet hopes to win a lawsuit for $262 000 against the British paper Daily Mail, which named her "The World’s Most Irritating Actress."

It began when a comment written by columnist Liz Jones suggested that the Oscar-winning actress lied about her physical training habits.

"She caught a nasty dose of Hollywooditis. It happens to the best of them, of course it does. It is the duplicitousness that enrages me and most other women I have spoken to," wrote Ms. Jones, who was referring to a statement Winslet made about not having time to work out at the gym.
In the suit, the 33-year-old actress claimed that the article soiled her personal and professional reputation and has been hurtful.