
Katy Perry learns of her engagement online

Katy Perry uses Goggle to find out her future.

Instead of having a crystal ball or a fortune teller, you can always use Google to find out what your future holds. Crazy idea? Sure, but this is how singer Katy Perry learned that her boyfriend was about to propose.

The star read online that her boyfriend, Russell Brand, was spotted shopping for engagement rings. "Unfortunately, I still Google myself sometimes, I saw it on Google alerts. I’m going to be honest!," the singer admitted.

Despite the fact that Perry became aware of Brand’s intentions via the Internet, she was still taken by surprise when the two lovebirds vacationed in India.

Russell Brand, a well-known comedian in Britain, threw some light on the subject, "There was an elephant involved. We were on an elephant just before it. We were in India, It was at midnight, and it is not a good idea to be on the back of an elephant during a fireworks display."

Perry, who accepted his proposal, added, "They can’t tell the difference between an apocalypse and New Year’s Eve."