
Keep kids away from power lines

Protect kids by keeping them away from power lines.

Everywhere, it is recommended to keep children away from power lines. French Senator Daniel Raoul wants to do more to protect the youngest among us from a potential hazard.

In 2007, a Eurobarometer survey revealed that 75% of Europeans said they were affected by power lines.

The senator wrote a parliamentary report on the effects of electric and magnetic fields. The report finds that they have little impact on health.  However, Le Figaro reports that Mr. Raoul wants to keep children away.

It is strongly recommended to avoid building homes, day cares or elementary schools near power lines. This recommendation can be applied to different countries with this type of installation.

In France, some cases of leukemia are linked to children’s exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Although no official link has been established, more detailed studies are required to shed light on the subject.