
Keira Knightley Gets Bottom Extender

Stylists had to modify costumes for Keira Knightley for the film The Dutchess.

The 22 year-old actress, who wears extravagant 18th century dresses for her role in the film, is so small that stylists had to use their imagination to modify the costumes for the British star.  A source said, "Keira has one of the smallest behinds in the cast and so we had to make the flounces on the back of her gowns even bigger than normal."

In addition, the dressing room had to be made bigger to accommodate the huge crinoline outfits worn by Knightley’s character, Lady Georgina Spencer, an ancestor of Lady Diana.

In the historic film, Ralph Fiennes and Charlotte Rampling also star, while Keira’s character befriends Lady Elizabeth Foster.