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Keira Knightley loves working for Chanel

Keira Knightley fronts the Coco Mademoiselle adverts and loves working for Chanel since it allows her to dress up as ”somebody different”.

Keira Knightley loves working for Chanel because she can dress up as ”somebody different”.

The 28-year-old actress fronts the Coco Mademoiselle adverts and enjoys the job because it allows her to experiment with numerous styles.

She told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: ”I get to dress up as somebody different. When I’m on the red carpet, it’s, ‘Ooh, who am I going to be tonight?’ And I like that, I think that’s quite fun. A couple of times the archive stuff has been made available to me, though it doesn’t always work because sometimes other people have bagsied the dress.”

Keira wore a Chanel jacket and dungarees for her Coco Mademoiselle campaign and insists she’s a ”huge fan” of the denim clothing piece since it reminds her of her childhood fashion choices.

She added: ”I love dungarees. I’m a massive fan of them. I wear the dungarees so much that I’ve now got three pairs, because it was getting to the point where I was like, ‘You have to wash them, Keira.’ And I’m really into Doc Martens at the moment. I think I’ve decided to become my eight-year-old self again, because when I was eight that was all that I wore – dungarees and Doc Martens.”