
Keith Richards doesn’t own an iPod

Keith Richards says he doesn’t own an iPod and feels digital music doesn’t sound as good as records and CDs.

Keith Richards doesn’t own an iPod.

The Rolling Stones legend admits he’s not a fan of MP3 players – such as Apple’s popular iPod, launched in 2001- and prefers to listen to music on old school vinyl records because they have better sound quality.

He said: "I don’t have an iPod. I still use CDs or records actually. Sometimes cassettes. It has much better sound; a much better sound than digital."

The 69-year-old guitarist thinks music fans are "all being shortchanged" by the sound quality of modern gadgets – which often compress music to make it into small computer files – but concedes times have changed, and it must be accepted.

He said: "They’re sucked into it and they can’t get out of it, nor can we; so is the public. There’s something missing there, but it’s the price of the future I guess."

While Keith is reluctant to embrace the digital age, he has picked up some iPod tips from wife Patti, 57, and daughters Theodora, 28, and Alexandra, 26.

He added: "My old lady’s got one. My kids have got them. I say, ‘Look me up this’, or, ‘Oh I like that. Check me that.’ I know what these things can do. I’m not totally anti-them."