
Kenneth Branagh Directing the Remake of Sleuth

Kenneth Branagh (Frankenstein) will be directing the remake of Sleuth, starring Jude Law and Michael Caine.

Harold Pinter wrote the screenplay, based on the theatre script done by Anthony Shaffer.  The project will be financed by Castle Rock.  Shooting begins in January at Twickham Studios in London.

It is the second time that a piece of Shaffer’s work ends up on the big screen, and the second time that Michael Caine has a part in one of his adaptations.  The movie shows the rivalry two men have for one women.

Caine plays a well known writer, and well known public figure.  He seeks revenge after losing his wife to a young hairstylist (Jude Law).  In the first version, it was Caine that played the hairstylist, and Laurence Olivier was playing the writer.

Olivier and Caine received Oscar nominations for the 1972 version, as did the director, Joseph Mankiewicz.

It is the second time Jude Law does a part previously played by Caine.