
Kids who eat sweets are less overweight

Study shows candy can help curb weight gain and obesity in children.

Children who are treated to candy may actually be thinner than their non-candy eating peers, according to a recent study published in Food & Nutrition Research.

The study suggest that a child’s ability to maintain a ‘calories in, calories out,’ balance is heightened over time when they consumed slightly higher intakes of total energy and added sugars – and given that obesity in children is on the rise in North America, this news is potentially quite important.

However, lead researcher Carol O’Neil at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center strongly emphasized that the finding need to be kept in perspective: “…the results of this study should not be construed as a hall-pass to overindulge. Candy should not replace nutrient-dense foods in the diet; it is a special treat and should be enjoyed in moderation."

The study was supported by the USDA Agricultural Research Service with partial support from the USDA Hatch Project and the National Confectioners Association.