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Kim Kardashian designs jewelry collection

Reality TV star unveils Bebe jewelry collection.

On Tuesday (November 16), reality TV star Kim Kardashian, 30, unveiled her first in a series of jewelry collections for Bebe, reports Coco Perez.

Last May, Kardashian revealed she would work with Pascal Mouawad to create a line of necklaces, earrings, cuffs, bracelets, and rings – “statement pieces that you can wear day or night to make your look stylish and fun!” according Kardashian’s website.

This is not the first time Kardashian has designed jewelry. In April, she launched a collection called ‘Virgin Saints and Angels’ with her sisters, Kourtney and Khloe.

“I really loved working with my sisters to create all of our Bebe collections, but it was also really amazing getting to branch out and design this jewelry line on my own,” said Kardashian. Her second, more upscale, collection, called ‘Belle Noel’ will be available in January.

The American beauty has her finger in many pies including numerous retail ventures that carry her name: perfume, shoes, clothing lines, and even a sunless tanner, all the while modeling and making guest appearances on various TV shows. She has recently written a book with her sisters, which is due out November 23.