
Kings of Leon feud with Glee

Nashville band faces wrath of Ryan Murphy after turning down song request from popular TV show. 

Ryan Murphy, creator of the popular musical TV series Glee, was a little upset when Nashville band Kings of Leon turned down his request to feature their hit song Use Somebody on his show, reports Star Pulse.

The high school drama showcases students singing and dancing to current and classic songs each week, and has proved to be a worldwide hit with an audience numbering in the billions. However, some musicians aren’t that keen to be featured on the slightly treacly program.

First it was Slash saying no to the ‘Gleeification’ of Guns ‘N Roses. Now it’s the Followill brothers of the popular band Kings of Leon who want to stop “selling out.”

Murphy was outraged by the band’s refusal, and came out swinging, verbally: “F**k you, Kings of Leon. They’re self-centred a**holes, and they missed the big picture. They missed that a seven-year-old kid can see someone close to their age singing a Kings of Leon song, which will maybe make them want to join a glee club or pick up a musical instrument.”

Responding politely, Caleb Followill explained the band’s position. "This whole Glee thing is a shock to us. It’s gotten out of hand. At the time of the request, we hadn’t even seen the show. It came at the end of that record cycle, and we were over promoting (‘Use Somebody’). This was never meant as a slap in the face to Glee."

But his brother, Nathan Followill, reacted with a rant on Twitter yesterday (January 26), “Dear Ryan Murphy, let it go. See a therapist, get a manicure, buy a new bra. Zip your lip and focus on educating 7 yr olds how to say f**k.”

Murphy responded with another attack, calling Nathan a “homophobe” and “mean-spirited,” prompting a quick apology from the band member. Nathan wrote, “I sorry 4 anyone that misconstrued my comments…I really do apologize.”

The whole thing has an eerie similarity to author Jonathen Franzen questioning if TV talk show host Oprah Winfrey’s book club was the right choice for him. Although, they eventually kissed and made up, Winfrey’s wrath was swift and merciless as she kicked him off her show. Murphy might want to remember how to graciously accept the word, “No.”