
Kings of Leon have a ‘brotherly code’

Kings of Leon have a ”brotherly code” so their fights never get too serious.

Kings of Leon have a ”brotherly code” for their fights.

The US rockers – comprising brothers Caleb, Jared and Nathan Followill and their cousin Matthew – have come to blows many times in the past but admit they always stick to strict rules so their skirmishes never get too serious.

Caleb said: ”A lot of people think we’re these big fighters but in the past a lot of the time we were fighting like p***ies. We weren’t really duking it out.

”I don’t think we’ve ever had a good enough fight to judge [who is the best]. Any time there’s ever been a fight there’s a lot of backhand slapping, spitting…”

Nathan added: ”A lot of back punching. As brothers there’s the rule; nothing above the neck, so we’ve stuck to a brotherly code of good kidney shots, smacks on the back of the head.”

While they tread carefully around one another, the ‘Sex on Fire’ hitmakers think they could easily win in a fight against other bands.

Matthew told Q magazine: ”You could name any band and I’d say we were going to win because we’re confident in our fighting.”

Caleb also admitted he finds it ”hard” to swear in songs, particularly because he knows his parents don’t approve.

Asked what their parents think of their lyrics, he said: ”It took them a while. My mum loved ‘Taper Jean Girl’ for years, then one day she walked in and smacked me. ‘Are you saying the C word?’ ‘Yeah, I’ve been saying it at every show for years.’

”Now I find it kinda hard. I can say stuff that’s kind of dirty, but I try to make it more hidden than I did back then. I don’t really like to hear someone who is forcing profanity. If it’s cool, that’s one thing, but if you hear someone saying a curse word out of the blue it’s just trying.”