
Lady Gaga and Cher sing duet

Pop divas team up for The Greatest Thing.

Pop superstar Lady Gaga is about to unveil a song that was recorded long ago, a duet performed with none other than Cher, reports Teen Music.

The song is called The Greatest Thing and according to Gaga, she was waiting for the right time to present it to fans. She said she is glad to have held back from including on her previous albums, despite the insistence of the record producers.

"I wrote that song a long time ago, and I’ve never put it on one of my own albums for, really, no particular reason. I always write these concept records, and it just didn’t fit in,” the singer told MTV News. “But it’s always been, like, this big, massive, beautiful hit record and everyone always says, ‘Why don’t you put that on your album?’ And I said, ‘I don’t know, it just doesn’t fit with everything else.’

Next month, fans can hear the duet of the two pop divas, whose voices promise an explosive harmony. Lady Gaga said The Greatest Thing is a powerful and sublime song.

“Cher heard the song and loved it and wanted to do it together,” confided Gaga. “And I said, ‘F— yeah, it’s Cher!"