
Lady Gaga branded former assistant a ‘hood rat’

Lady Gaga has called her former personal assistant Jennifer O’Neill a "f**king hood rat" after she sued the singer’s Mermaid Touring Company $380,000 for unpaid overtime during Gaga’s tour.

Lady Gaga has branded her former personal assistant a "f**king hood rat".

The ‘Edge Of Glory’ hitmaker is being sued by ex-employee Jennifer O’Neill, who claims Gaga owes her $380,000 in overtime payments from her time on tour, and the singer launched a foul-mouthed rant against the woman while giving evidence under oath.

In a video-taped deposition from August last year in New York, obtained by the New York Post newspaper, Gaga rants: "[Jennifer is a] f**king hood rat who is suing me for money that she didn’t earn. She thinks she’s just like the queen of the universe. And, you know what, she didn’t want to be a slave to one, because in my work and what I do, I’m the queen of the universe every day.

"She knew there was no overtime, and I never paid her overtime the first time I hired her, so why would she be paid overtime the second time? This whole case is b******* and you know it."

Gaga, 26, went on to insist Jennifer – who claims she worked 7,168 hours unpaid on the star’s 2010 ‘Monster Ball’ tour – should have enjoyed the luxury of her work and the lavish gifts the received along the way, but claimed her former employee abused the perks she was given.

She said: "[Sleeping] in Egyptian cotton sheets every night, in five star hotels, on private planes, eating caviar, partying with [photographer] Terry Richardson all night, wearing my clothes … [She was] asking [Yves Saint Laurent] to send her free shoes without my permission, using my YSL discount without my permission."

To end her rant, Gaga said Jennifer was bad at her job as she didn’t carry her luggage for her – a task that makes the singer "very stressed".

She added: "She didn’t enough lay out all my stuff for me… I can’t sift through everything. She would only open a couple of bags, and it was very stressful for me… I was very often… moving my own luggage and doing s**t by myself."