
Lady Gaga Hearts Susan Boyle

Lady Gaga wants to sing alongside Susan Boyle.

You couldn’t ask for an odder mix. Despite that, Lady Gaga recently expressed her wish to sing a duet with Boyle. Both artists shot to fame in  2009. Boyle was discovered on Britain’s Got Talent earlier in the year.

Lady Gaga admitted to following Boyle’s rise to success, and recounted, "I have watched the clip of her singing on BGT (Britain’s Got Talent) a thousand times and every time I see Simon Cowell’s face it makes me laugh out loud. He thinks he knows everything but even he wasn’t expecting that."

The new American celebrity expressed her adoration of the Scottish sensation by saying, "I love Susan Boyle. She is my woman of the year. She has achieved more in this year than most artists will in a lifetime. This time last year nobody even knew who she was and now she is knocking the world’s most established artists off the album and singles charts."

Lady Gaga thinks the two would share an instant chemistry, commenting, "Our styles are different. I don’t know if we could work together, but never say never. It would be great to work with somebody of that talent."