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Lady Gaga offers wristband to raise funds for Japan

Pop superstar appeals to her ‘monster’ fan base to pre-order online.

Pop superstar Lady Gaga has designed a wristband in support of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief efforts, reports Coco Perez.

The simple white bracelet features dark red text, which reads, in both English and Japanese, ‘We pray for Japan.’ The rubber wristband retails for $5 US, but purchasers are encouraged to make an additional donation via an easy drop-down menu which allows them to set a higher price.

The item is currently available for pre-order through Lady Gaga’s official store, and is expected to ship on March 25.

"I Designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet … and ALL proceeds will go to Tsunami Relief Efforts. Go Monsters," wrote Gaga on Twitter.

Since the earthquake-triggered tsunami hit the coastal regions of Japan on Friday morning (March 11), aid has started pouring in from around the globe. The Japanese government has confirmed that 91 countries and nine international relief organizations have thus far joined the efforts, according to the Guardian.

The death toll is expected to exceed 10,000 people as search efforts get underway in the ruins of Japan’s north-eastern coastal cities.

"The situation here is just beyond belief, almost everything has been flattened. The government is saying that 9,500 people, more than half of the population, could have died and I do fear the worst," said Patrick Fuller of the International Red Cross Federation, describing the scene in the town of Otsuchi, where almost 80 percent of the population is currently missing.