
Lady Gaga protests in Arizona

Gaga urges her little monsters to protest Arizona’s immigration law.

Lady Gaga is one pop icon who uses her influence and sway to back various causes. She performed in Arizona on Saturday (July 31) and took the time to protest that state’s controversial immigration law. Other big names have cancelled shows in the Grand Canyon state but not Gaga.

She told fans in Phoenix: "I’ll tell you what we have to do about SB 1070. We have to be active. We have to actively protest."

The pop star went on to say: "I got a phone call from a couple really big rock-n-rollers, big pop stars, big rappers, and they said: ‘We’d like you to boycott Arizona. We’d like you to boycott playing Arizona because of SB 1070.’ And I said: ‘You really think that us dumb f***ing pop stars are going to collapse the economy of Arizona?’"

Gaga urged fans to add their voices to the protest and stand up for the causes in which they believe. She added: "The nature of the Monster Ball is to actively protest prejudice and injustice and that bulls**t that is put on our society!" Go Gaga!