
Lady Gaga raises more than $1 million for Japan

‘Monster’ fan base continues to buy fundraising wristband designed by pop superstar.

Just hours after the earthquake and tsunami caused massive devastation in Japan, theatrical pop singer Lady Gaga designed a special bracelet to help raise money for the devastated country.

Within two days the singer managed to raise a quarter of a million dollars, and that number has since climbed to $1.5 million

The simple white bracelet features dark red text, which reads, in both English and Japanese, ‘We pray for Japan.’ The rubber wristband retails for $5 US, but purchasers are encouraged to make an additional donation via an easy drop-down menu which allows them to set a higher price.

The Born This Way hitmaker took to Twitter and asked her fans to buy the $5 wristband, "I Designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet … and ALL proceeds will go to Tsunami Relief Efforts. Go Monsters.”

Gaga will donate half the amount to the American Red Cross, and the other half will go to the Save the Children charity via Zynga online games’ charitable sister company, which raises funds through virtual purchases.

“I’m inspired that my little monsters [fans] banded together to help those affected by the terrible tragedy,” said Lady Gaga. “What Zynga’s players have done for the cause is equally inspiring, and I’m thrilled to partner with them to raise money that will go to Save the Children and the American Red Cross.”

In recent weeks, Zynga has managed to raise $2.5 million for Japan, thanks to users who can buy virtual items for online games, including popular games like FarmVille and Cityville.