
Lady Gaga takes a country road

Second version of Born This Way released online today.

Early this morning (March 25), Lady Gaga posted a link to YouTube on her Twitter feed, which leads web users to the new ‘country road version’ of her hit single Born This Way from the album of the same name.

“The Country Road Version of Born This Way. Produced By: Me + Fernando. Photo By: @popjustice ♥,” Tweeted Gaga.

While the first version was fully techno-electronic dance, this new stripped-down version lets us to hear what Lady Gaga would have sounded like had she been performing in the 1970s. It still sounds like Madonna’s Express Yourself – only with a harmonica and – is that a cowbell?

Borrowing all basic instruments of rock – guitar, drums, bass and even harmonica – the Country Road version of Born This Way showcases Gaga’s songwriting abilities – even after multiple layers of electronics have been removed.

Although the link for this new version leads to YouTube, there is no video accompanying it, just a black and white photo of the singer standing in front of a stop sign.

You can listen to Country Road version of Born This Way here.