
Lady Gaga vomited in plastic bag and gave it to American Horror Story boss

Lady Gaga has admitted she was so nervous about her acting debut in ‘American Horror Story’ that she vomited in a plastic bag and later gave it to show creator Ryan Murphy.

Lady Gaga vomited in a plastic bag and gave it to her ‘American Horror Story’ boss on the first day of shooting.

The 29-year-old singer was so nervous about making her acting debut in the television series that she was sick on her way to set and later handed it to creator Ryan Murphy.

Speaking to, she said: ”I threw up on the way in a Ziploc bag in my Rolls Royce, and I saved it and brought it for Ryan Murphy. Ryan was like, ‘Oh you think you can disgust me? You can’t.’ You think you can’t get anything past him but then he met me.

”And I’ll bring him a bag of my own vomit to the set and I’ll just say ‘I did this in the car, I’m so nervous.’ ”

And it wasn’t just Ryan who got a special treat from the blonde beauty – who portrays 100-year-old monster The Countess in the show – as she also made her co-star Angela Bassett an explicit cake prior to their disturbing sex scene.

Angela, 57, who portrays Ramona Royale in the programme, explained: ”It’s her performing a sexual act on my person. I didn’t eat any I was so shocked.

”I took it home and hid it in the garage refrigerator because I have young kids who I hope haven’t seen it.”