
Lady Gaga’s phone fear

The pop star is reportedly afraid of mobile phones.

Stories abound about the over-the-top, eccentric behaviour of Lady Gaga. This next one is likely a story best taken with a grain of salt. reports the singer of the hit song Telephone, featuring Beyoncé, has an extreme fear of mobile phones. It claims Gaga has been reading information on cell phone use and it has turned her off handheld devices.

A source says: "There have been various reports suggesting mobile phone use can increase your risk of developing cancer and brain tumours and even though there’s no firm evidence, it really freaked her out."

"She’s now insisting that whenever she makes a call, one of her team keys the numbers into her phone, then holds it up to her face so when she speaks it isn’t too close to her head. She then listens to her calls on the speakerphone."

Such a fear flies in the face of a deal Lady Gaga had with LG. The company released a new mobile phone in April: the LG GB280 featuring American Pop Singer Lady Gaga. The slider phone contained Lady Gaga wallpapers and songs.