
Laundry brand parodies Fifty Shades of Grey

A laundry brand has released a video parodying ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, titled ‘Flirty Sheets of Surf’, which shows a man washing the dirty laundry.

A laundry brand has released a video parodying ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’.

Surf have unveiled a video ‘Flirty Sheets of Surf’, which shows a man helping around the house, following research that dirty laundry is the biggest turn off for 91% of women.

The company’s brand manager, Katy Holder, said: ”After we heard that nothing gets women more in the mood than watching men doing the laundry, we thought what could be better than a cheeky film of a hunk cleaning up the house?”

The video has been unveiled in conjunction with a limited edition detergent, ‘Flirty Shades Of Surf’, which contains rose, a hint of jasmine and a sandalwood infusion.