
Le danger des boissons gazeuses

Carbonated drinks cause many serious health problems

Excessive consumption of soft drinks can cause serious health problems like heart disease, stroke, cancer, tooth decay, obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes and dementia.

Previous studies have revealed a link between health problems and soft drinks, but a new study says that consumption of two soft drinks a day can lead to reduced kidney function.

The study conducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston examined the effects of sodium and artificial sweeteners on the kidneys of 3,256 women at an average of 57 years old. Three hundred seventy-two of them had their renal function decline of 30% or more because they consumed two or more soft drinks per day. We arrived at these results also taking into account various factors such as age, level of physical activity, diabetes and hypertension.

Remember that soft drinks do not contain vitamins, minerals, fibre or other essential nutrients. They are only composed of sugar or sugar derivatives, carbon dioxide, caffeine and additives like artificial colors and flavourings.

Milk, water and tea are better choices for hydration.