Pets Files

Leapin’ Pets in Leap Year

Perilous pets that took a leap of faith and lived to bark or purr about it. 

Leap year hits the calendar once every four years, but our four-legged friends aren’t averse to taking a “leap” when we least expect it. As we celebrate Leap Year, one pet insurance company shares some cautionary tales for pet owners.

From a confident kitty in Seattle to an overzealous Labrador retriever in Florida, Veterinary Pet Insurance Company’s database of more than 485,000 pets reveals several harrowing leaps.

Game of fetch goes horribly wrong
Lincoln, a yellow Labrador retriever from Boulder, Colorado, is a Frisbee fanatic. While playing Frisbee with his pet guardian in an empty lot atop a parking garage, the wind-aided disc veered off course, and went sailing off the top of the parking garage – and loyal Lincoln went leaping after it.

Within seconds, Lincoln was airborne, and headed for a two-storey fall to the ground below. Not knowing what to expect after his free-fall, Lincoln’s owners found him with a slight limp, but still earnestly searching for his Frisbee. Lincoln was treated by his veterinarian for a soft tissue injury, and has since made a full recovery.

Cat on a ledge
After nudging an apartment window open just enough to slip through, curious cat Baxter leapt 11 storeys from a Seattle building ledge. Although the feline’s fall led to a broken collarbone and dislocated sternum, the emergency veterinarian was primarily concerned with fluid surrounding the cat’s heart and lungs. Baxter was hospitalized for four days while doctors closely monitored his condition. He has since returned to his home and has made a complete recovery.

Doggie spin cycle
Cujo, a Maltese from Chicago, Illinois, joined his family for a camping trip and went for an unsupervised spin on the park’s merry-go-round. As the whirling intensified, Cujo could not hang on, and gravity forced him to leap to the ground below. Cujo was treated for soft tissue trauma and released to his pet parents to enjoy the rest of their holiday. Did Cujo return to the park playground? Access denied!

Swim at your own risk
Shayna, a Labrador retriever from Holiday, Florida, jumped off a sea wall and into a canal, which wasn’t too farfetched, since this leaping Lab loves the water. However, because it was low tide, Shayna fell onto a bed of sharp oysters leading to treatment for multiple lacerations. Shayna has since made a full recovery and enjoys her days leaping into the family swimming pool for a daily dip.

A window is not a door
Remi, a fox terrier mix from Clearwater, Florida, leapt out the backseat window of a moving vehicle. Remi suffered multiple abrasions to her legs, chest and snout and was also treated for a soft tissue injury. Today, Remi has fully recovered and continues to leap, but only while playing Frisbee every evening.

All pets highlighted above made full recoveries. According to VPI’s chief veterinary medical officer Carol McConnell, in 2011, the company “received more than 22,000 claims for soft tissue trauma, the most common injury associated with pets that have fallen or jumped.

“These examples are reminders to pet owners that no matter how closely we monitor our pets, accidents can still happen, so it’s important to always be prepared for the unexpected.” Let these cautionary “tails” serve as a reminder to keep an eye on your furry family member, so you can enjoy a long and happy life together.