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Learn life management skills while on vacation

Spanish hotel chain offers workshops and classes in life management.

Spanish hotel chain Meliá is introducing a holistic new approach to accommodations: now when guests stay at one of the chain’s hotels, they can also take part in the company’s new life management campaign, which aims to help guests enjoy life a little more.

The campaign includes several workshops, such as the ‘Jacuzzi Bubbles Workshop’ – where guests are treated to hydrotherapy, anti-stress massages, beauty treatments and well-being rituals – or the ‘Inspirational Pillow Workshop’ – which promises "the perfect pillow for you" along with superior rooms with amenities, VIP check-in and a private lounge.

The chain is also hosting three master classes with Dr. Mario Alonso Puig, an expert in positive psychology. Puig will visit three of the chain’s hotels – Meliá WhiteHouse London on October 26, Meliá Berlin on November 2, and Meliá Madrid Princesa on November 8 – to offer a course in life management, available to hotel guests free of charge.

Travelers can register for the master classes or see more of the hotel workshops on the company’s official page.