
Learning to swim stimulates brain development

Researchers believe that swimming improves the intelligence of children.

Teaching children to swim is not only beneficial to their health and safety, it also stimulates their brain development, according to the Times of India.

Over the course of two years, researchers from Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, analyzed over 10,000 children under the age of 5. They discovered that children who have a regular swim routine tend not only to have a higher IQ, but were generally more confident than other children their own age who did not swim regularly.

“Preliminary data that we have can provide enough positive development news,” said Professor Robyn Jorgensen, emphasizing that children who take swimming lessons seem to develop better in life.

Learning new skills like swimming helps to stimulate the child’s brain development, improving their intelligence and increasing their confidence. So, it looks like it’s time for Junior to sign up for those swimming lessons.