
Leonardo DiCaprio eyes stage career

Leonardo DiCaprio wants to star in a stage play and is already looking at scripts for both classic and new theatre productions.

Leonardo DiCaprio wants to star in a stage play.

The 39-year-old actor – who was catapulted to the spotlight in 1997’s ‘Titanic’ – has his sights set on performing in theaters after enjoying a film career spanning two decades, and is already looking at scripts for both classic and new productions.

He told Daily Mail newspaper: ”I have thought about theatre on and off over they years but other things keep getting in the way. Maybe now’s the time.”

Leonardo has been nominated for a number of awards for his work over the past year – including an Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of corrupt stockbroker Jordan Belfort in ‘The Wolf Of Wall Street’ – but he wants to wait until after awards season before he explores theater work further.

He explained: ”I’m going to get all of this – the awards and travelling – over with and maybe, just maybe, there will be a play. I’ve actually been looking at a bunch plays and stuff. I would love to do it.”

Bernard Hiller – an acting teacher who has given top Hollywood stars acting master classes in Los Angeles – approves of the idea, and thinks Leo would be great for theatre.