
Less Painful Vaccines

There is a simple little trick to decrease the pain after having a vaccination.

During this time of vaccinations, many are fearful of injections.  Researchers at the University of Montreal have shown that there is a little trick that can significantly reduce the sensation of pain during vaccination.

According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, the researchers said there is a link between pain and emotions.  Thinking about pleasant images influences our pain threshold.

For the study, 13 people received a low intensity electric shock, but painful, which causes tremors measured in the spine. During the electric discharge, participants were presented with pictures which were unpleasant, pleasant or neutral.  The reaction of the brain was then measured with magnetic resonance imaging.

The researchers distinguished brain activity linked to emotions and found that pain was more intense with unpleasant images than with pleasant images.

There is therefore evidence that our emotions govern the pain.  When receiving your vaccine against influenza A (H1N1), close your eyes and think of a nice picture when you get your needle.