
Liam Gallagher ‘would reform’ Oasis

Liam Gallagher’s former bandmate Paul ‘Bonehead’ Arthurs is convinced he wants to reform Oasis but thinks a reunion would never happen because of the resistance of Noel Gallaghter.

Liam Gallagher’s former bandmate is convinced he wants to reform Oasis.

The group went their separate ways in 2009 – with all the members apart from Noel Gallagher going on to form Beady Eye – and Paul ‘Bonehead’ Arthurs, the group’s rhythm guitarist until 2009, thinks the singer would happily get his old band back together.

He said: "That’s just the way Liam is. He totally would [get the band back together]. I’m sure he would, but it’s not for me to say.

"But I don’t sit there and go, ‘Oh Liam…’ I was there and did it, I was part of it."

However, despite his comments, Bonehead accepts a reunion is unlikely because he knows Noel – who has forged a successful solo career – wants no part in returning to Oasis.

He told NME magazine: "I’m sure Liam would do it in a shot tomorrow but you’ve got to listen to what Noel says. He’s not up for it, why does he need to? He’s doing well so why would he?

"Like he said the other day, ‘Biggest band in the world? Been there, done that.’ He doesn’t need the money so I can’t see it."

Even if a reunion doesn’t happen, Bonehead won’t be too upset as he is a fan of Beady Eye and says he has never seen the frontman happier than he is now.

He added: "I’m biased towards Liam because I love him. Liam’s just doing what he does.

"He’s happy doing it and you can see that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him happier."