
Liam Payne apologises for 34-floor stunt

One Direction star Liam Payne has apologised to fans after balancing on a ledge 360ft up on a balcony after parting with friends.

Liam Payne has apologised to fans after balancing on a 34th-floor ledge outside of his apartment.

The One Direction heartthrob posed for a photograph 360ft up on the balcony outside of his home after celebrating bandmate Zayn Malik’s 21st birthday in London over the weekend.

A friend who was at the party posted the photograph on his Twitter feed but it has since been deleted and the 20-year-old star posted an apology on the site on Tuesday night (14.01.14), describing his actions as ”stupid and irresponsible”.

He wrote: ”You may have seen a photo of me today taken on top of a building. I regret being there and having a photo taken.

”It was a stupid and irresponsible thing to do. I am sorry, and do not endorse any fans trying to repeat this, as it is extremely dangerous.”

After the photograph surfaced on the site, many of the band’s loyal fans – known as ‘Directioners’ – were worried and asked him to stop climbing on his balcony.

One follower tweeted: ”That photo of @Real_Liam_Payne on that balcony really gave me a mini heart attack … please don’t do that again! (sic)”

Another fan wrote: ”@Real_Liam_Payne but please don’t ever do that again we don’t want anything bad happen to you ok we love you so much. (sic)”

It has been suggested that the boyband star may have been drinking on the night when he climbed on to the ledge, apparently to take a photograph of the view with a new mobile phone.

Liam also urged fans not to stand outside his apartment block after many figured out where he lived from the photograph and other pictures taken on the night by friends.

He posted: ”I’d just like to be able to walk outside as everyone does and enjoy time with my friends, not feel bad for not wanting to take a picture.”

He added: ”Sorry if I’ve been rude to anyone but I’ve come to realise if I take one picture more people keep coming everyday … hope everyone’s good. (sic)”