
Lifestyle changes may help reduce risk of breast cancer

World Cancer Research Fund recommends more exercise, healthy diet and less alcohol.

Women may help reduce their risk of developing breast cancer by choosing a healthier lifestyle that includes more exercise and less alcohol, reports the Daily Mail.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, women should get at least half an hour of exercise daily, limit themselves to one glass of alcohol a day, and lose as much weight as possible without becoming underweight.

"Breast cancer can be prevented by cutting down on drinking, being more physically active and carrying less body fat," explains Dr. Rachel Thompson, Deputy Head of Science with the WCRF.

"There is convincing evidence that alcohol consumption increases the risk of breast cancer. In postmenopausal women there is convincing evidence that body fatness also increases risk and there is evidence that regular physical activity probably reduces the risk of breast cancer."

The organization estimates that about 42 percent of cases are preventable with lifestyle changes, although some other organizations are less certain, saying that the matter is complicated.

"A woman’s lifestyle choices don’t mean for certain that she will or won’t get breast cancer because genetic and environmental factors can also play a part," notes Dr. Rachel Greig with Breakthrough Breast Cancer.